Web & Mobility

Mobile Apps - Android, iOS, Native, Hybrid Or Progressive Web Apps, We Get It Done

Happy Employees

Hybrid App Development

We make hybrid mobile apps for iOS and Android using React Native and other technologies as well. This allows us to code once and provide native functionality for iOS and Android platforms.

Native Development

We also develop Apps exclusively for iOS or Android if the requirement so demands. We use Java, Swift or Kotlin as is applicable.

Automated Testing

We also provide Automated Regression Testing to help you cut down testing cycle time from days to hours. Our automation engineers have built a customized Carina based framework using tools like Selenium, Browser Stack to name a few.


Our team has expertise in a wide range of Apps leveraging skills in the following key areas:

  • SDK Development & integration, DB systems, and API integrations
  • Integration with IoT / SCADA devices
  • Security compliance with PCI/ HIPPA
  • Integration with IoT / SCADA devices
  • Augmented reality/ Virtual reality app development and SDKs
  • Analytics

Management Systems

  • Patient Appointment Management
  • Logistics & Supply Chain Management
  • Physician Assistance
  • Food Order Management
  • Inventory Management

VR/AR/XR Enablement

  • Live Media Streaming through VR HMDs
  • AR powered learning systems
  • AR powered entertainment applications
  • Content management system

Social Networking

  • B2B Networking
  • Content Sharing
  • Scan for and Filter Sensitive Content
  • Weather, Climate Data Sharing/Integration

Community Welfare

  • Real time fire evacuation planning
  • Navigating app for the visually impaired
  • Assistive app for children with developmental abilities
  • Safety App for Secure Pick Up of School Children

Learning/Coaching Platforms

  • Executive Transition Coaching
  • In Flight Training & Simulation
  • Quiz based learning systems

Automation/Monitoring Systems

  • Mobility powered Home Automation Systems
  • HVAC Temperature Monitoring Systems

Key Projects

Virtual Showroom

Logistics & Supply Chain

  • Product Engineering
  • User Interface Design
  • Maintenance

A web & mobile platform through which one can scan and track the inbound and outbound transfer of freight from one place to another. The platform also allows for differentiated access for users and delegation of tasks.

To bring the best possible solutions and success in future projects, Solutions has joined hands with TA as a partner in Software Development services.

Virtual Showroom

HVAC System Analysis

  • Product Engineering
  • Interface Development

Worked with an engineering team focused on HVAC systems. Developed web & mobility solutions for analyzing the overall functioning of HVAC systems.

Virtual Showroom

Home Automation

  • Product Engineering
  • Interface Development

Worked with a building automation services provider.

Developed a mobile application for their home automation products.

Virtual Showroom

Virtual Reality Media Streaming

  • Mobile SDK Development & Integration
  • VR Media Streaming Support
  • Maintenance & testing

Developed SDK for technology company to integrate their offering with live broadcasters, adding VR streaming. Also end user experience with VR menu design & testing.

Virtual Showroom

Evacuation Management and Planning

  • Product Engineering
  • Maintenance & testing
  • Web App IoT integration

Built data platform for coordination and response to wildfires for technology client. Facilitating evacuation planning & mapping by analyzing real time sensor data.

Virtual Showroom

Patient Awareness

  • Product Engineering
  • Mobile App

App designed to assist In-patient as well as Outpatient for our hospital client.

Support EMR integration, Way finding, Notifications, Scheduling and more.

Virtual Showroom

Assistive Technology

  • Product Engineering
  • User Interface Design
  • Maintenance

Built mobile app for blind users working with our client – a pioneer of accessible GPS.

Case Study

Virtual Showroom

Food Pre-Ordering

  • Product Engineering
  • User Interface Design

Developed mobile application for a player in the food retail domain. Application used for pre-ordering food from restaurants including multiple payment systems.

Case Study

B2B Networking

  • Product Engineering
  • User Interface Design
  • Web Portal

B2B networking app to avoid information overload with local content sensitivities.

Back end admin workflow for user & content management including AI service integration.

Virtual Showroom

Executive Coaching

  • Product Engineering
  • Software Testing
  • Mobile & web app

Built a 1:1 platform for HR professionals to coach executives. Platform enabled by custom algorithms and collaboration tools.

Case Study

Virtual Showroom

Augmented Reality Media Sharing

  • MVP build
  • User Interface Design
  • Maintenance

Engaging students and participants with engaging AR experiences Mobile App. Built front end app and back end content management system to deliver compelling AR experiences.

Case Study