Scores a new Perfect 5-Star Rating on Clutch

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Received a new review on Clutch, scores a perfect
5-star rating from the founder of Forklift University

The development industry has been one of the fastest-growing industries in the market today! From websites, software solutions, AI, and more, this industry is showing no signs of stopping. As a matter of fact, more and more trends are popping up every year. Don’t get left behind, find out about the latest technologies and the best solutions available in the market today by partnering with our Travancore Analytics team! 

Our team has been one of the leaders in the global custom software development industry since 2007. Our team has been passionate about helping our clients by providing them with the best solutions and services that the market has to offer! Our clients and business partners, who come from the USA, UK, Europe, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, the Middle East, and India, serve as sources of inspiration and motivation for our business.



As a matter of fact, we’ve recently received our 16th review on Clutch’s platform! We are delighted to share it with you, but first and foremost, what is Clutch? They are an established platform in the heart of Washington, DC, committed to helping small, mid-market and enterprise businesses identify and connect with the service providers they need to achieve their goals.

Going back to the review, Forklift University has partnered with our team to create a VR Forklift training system for its business. Our team’s goal is to create a very realistic version of the VR solution that would enable the operators and trainers to have a more immersive learning experience. When asked about the project, here is what Steve Drake, the owner of the business, has to say:

“Reviews from clients have been extremely positive, VR sickness is reduced over 100% from other systems on the market, and the modular design has kept the industry acceptance at a high level since the training can focus on specific tasks.”


Apart from Clutch’s platform, our team has also been featured on Top Design Firms’ website as a leading company on its AI development list. Top Design Firms, the newest player in the B2B market research space, has our backs on this — and they’ve helped distinguish us as a leading development company!

We are happy to share our thoughts and add value to your software product development journey. Drop us a line today!