Media & Sports

Combining mobile, AR VR and real time video analytics.

Build the right
Products Now

  • End user immersive experience
  • Content management
  • Broadcaster App integration

Virtual Reality Media Streaming

  • Mobile SDK Development & Integration
  • VR Media Streaming Support
  • Maintenance & testing

Developed  SDK for a technology company to integrate their offering with live broadcasters, adding VR streaming. Also end user experience with VR menu design & testing

Evacuation Management and Planning

  • Product Engineering
  • Maintenance & testing
  • Web App IoT integration

Built data platform for coordination and response to wildfires for technology client. Facilitating evacuation planning & mapping by analyzing real time sensor data.

B2B Networking

  • Product Engineering
  • Interface development
  • Web portal

B2B networking app to avoid information overload with local content sensitivities.

Back end admin workflow for user & content management including AI service integration.

Imaging Technology

  • Product Engineering
  • Interface Development

Web App developed for an Institution affiliated to the Government of Kerala. It is a categorized database through which ministry personnel can review videos and comments from selected media.