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Open Doors recognized by Sun Country Airlines
for adopting Service Animal Travel Solution platform

Sun Country Airlines accepting Open Door Organization’s (ODO) Service Animal Travel Solution (SATS) platform is a great motivation for us as a technical partner. As a result, Sun Country Airlines will now provide a simple and efficient procedure for travelers to submit their Department of Transportation (DOT) form online by subscribing to SATS.

Sun Country Airlines no longer needs to go through the process of examining and approving DOT documents. As a result, travel clearance with a service animal can be done considerably more quickly and efficiently before a passenger gets to the airport. Thus, having access to SAT’s identifiers would allow for a more efficient service animal travel solution for persons with disabilities.

Apart from the SATS platform, ODO is focused on helping businesses realize the impact in the market made by people with disabilities, thus creating a better quality of life for them. They made a name for themselves by producing the first-ever countrywide market research of adult travelers with disabilities in 2002 and 2005, utilizing Harris Interactive to conduct surveys.

ODO has a tremendous impact on the disabled population through its many activities. Being the technological partner, we were able to create the SATS platform, a valuable accessibility service for the disabled community.

We are looking forward to seeing more airlines adopt the ODO SATS platform and make the journey of people with disabilities more comfortable and efficient.